
Posts Tagged ‘designed alliance’

A Space for Choosing Wings

Photo by Mike Schubert

Butterflies make an excellent metaphor for transformation, don’t they? Observe the difference between a squat little caterpillar and the resplendent flier it becomes and you’re reminded that dramatic, even magical, change is possible.

I can think of at least two important differences, though, between butterflies and humans when it comes to transformation…

  • We aren’t limited to just one metamorphosis but are capable of transforming over and over again throughout our lives; and
  • For us, change can be a matter of choice.

But choosing to transform takes a sustained effort. And sometimes we need a little help. As a coach supporting others in their intentional and multiple transformations, I’ve been delighted to discover the power and flexibility of “designed alliance”—the shared space that forms the chrysalis of the Co-active coaching model.

I like to think of it as an inspired alliance, where both client and coach breathe life into a cocoon of conscious change. While the client is responsible for the results, the coach bears primary responsibility for holding the space of possibility.

This relational aspect of the coaching process, this intimate, intricate system of mutual investment, represents another quality that distinguishes human transformation from that of our friend the butterfly. We can help each other get there.

What will your next set of wings look like?