Services } moving people forward

YOUR SUCCESS as a leader (in your organization and in your own life) starts with the ability to see yourself whole—as a multi-dimensional, interdepedent human being with both a vibrant vision for the future and an uncanny ability to get in your own way. My job is to help you stand in this whole-person perspective, to map the journey, and to choose the actions that will move you from where you are to where you want to be.

Drawing on the power of the coaching relationship and using innovative assessment and development tools, we will work together to deepen your sense of fulfillment and amplify your ability to…

Lead with Agility.

Leadership Agility ModelTo lead effectively in conditions of continuous change and increasing complexity, you need to be willing to keep challenging your own perspective. Much research has shown that, more than just adding competencies, your development as a leader is marked by passage through predictable stages characterized by increasing capacity for vision, reflection, and purposeful action. The Leadership Agility framework developed by Bill Joiner and Stephen Josephs, and the Leadership Agility 360™ instrument, provide a powerful roadmap to help you assess and increase your effectiveness in three action arenas: Pivotal Conversations, Team Performance, and Leading Organizational Change.

I am certified to use the Leadership Agility framework and tools to support and challenge leaders at all levels to move toward greater agility as you:

  • Frame the initiatives you need to take, and clarify the outcomes you need to achieve
  • Engage with stakeholders in ways that build your initiatives
  • Transform the problems you encounter into the results you need
  • Use your initiatives as opportunities to develop into the kind of leader you want to be


Strengthen Team Performance.

FasTeams Team Performance SystemWith the ever-increasing emphasis on teams in work process design, your people have consistently been getting better at collaboration. But you see that setbacks persist and greater alignment is possible. The FasTeams® Process Check and toolset are designed to help teams anticipate problems at launch and/or identify and address dysfunction as soon as it arises.

As a coach, I use the FasTeams® assessment and team coaching system to support and challenge your teams to perform at their highest level by:

  • Setting ground rules and self-diagnosing problems when processes break down
  • Implementing common-sense tools to get started or to get back on track
  • Entering into difficult conversations with clarity and sensitivity
  • Clarifying individual and team strengths and boundaries
  • Setting parameters for start-up, performance, and completion


Catalyze Personal Growth.

The Round Resume™From the moment you are born until the day you die you are living an enduring question: “Who am I becoming?” Most of the time it’s a question that lives in the background, unfolding without your attention. But every now and then you reach a crossroads or a plateau or a crisis point, where the question has new urgency and meaning.

As a coach, I encourage you to live into your greatest possibility and purpose by:

  • Using the Round Resume™ to help you identify the values and purpose that drive you
  • Hearing you in a way that allows you to hear yourself
  • Supporting your risk-taking by championing your natural capacity
  • Challenging you to risk even more than you thought you dared
  • Holding you accountable to specific goals


Customized Alliances

Whether your most pressing change goals are professional or personal, organizational or individual, I can help you move forward through the pinch of dissatisfaction and the pull of new possibility. Contact me and together we will design an assessment and coaching plan sized just right to deliver the change you know is possible.

Contact Vicky to schedule a free sample session or to discuss your coaching needs.