
Posts Tagged ‘Mary Poppins’

The View from Here

January 29, 2011 3 comments

Fog risingWhen you go around with eerie music and spooky sound effects in your head, everything you see looks like a horror flick.

Remember the classic recut trailers that turned Mary Poppins into a predator and The Shining into a lighthearted family film?

Beyond spotlighting the editing skills of their creators, these little pieces beautifully illuminate the power of perspective. Filmmakers are always making choices designed to shift our perspective. They take us to a viewpoint. And it’s our viewpoint that determines what we actually see.

So, as the director of your own life story, you have some choices to make. Are you starring in a thriller? A romantic comedy? An action adventure? What soundtrack have you chosen? What happens when you change the audio?